I help people and businesses achieve their goals and maximize their investments using technology-based solutions and data driven insights
Someone asked me today how I am able to speak impromptu and speak flawlessly. My response was “I am a professional yapper”. Well, while there's that,...
My experience as a plenary speaker at the AI Tour Nigeria, 19th February 2025 · Microsoft AI Tour in Nigeria: A Personal...
Introduction Our lives evolve, and so does everything that applies directly to human lives. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become part of our lives...
Who works with data? What do they do? · A brief overview of the distinct types of data professionals. The previous article, "What is Data - like I am...
What is Data? Data is information Data is information that we can use to learn about things. For example, you can use data to learn about your...
THE PYTHON OS.WALK() FUNCTION Hi, welcome to my blog where I write about interesting Python stuff, this article is centered around the os.walk()...